Umd Academic Calendar - Event topics arts, entertainment and. Currently enrolled students can register for fall 2025 on their scheduled day and time. Returning students may make changes to their schedule by adding and dropping. Events on this academic calendar are subject to change without notice. Fall semester begins may 20,. Academic calendar view the academic calendar on academic affairs alumni calendar view the alumni association calendar. Event topics arts, entertainment and. College and department academic schedulers can find dates and deadlines related to. 12/31/2025 will be granted as an administrative leave day. See holidays, breaks and other events that may affect your classes at umd. Schedule adjustments after this date may result in less than 100% refund. See umd’s full array of classes, including course numbers and titles, instructors’ names, days and times of offerings, and locations. See the fall, winter, spring, and summer terms and their events. All undergraduate programs, and most graduate programs, follow the semester calendar. Consult the individual department or. See the dates and deadlines for schedule adjustment, registration, refund, graduation, and more. Enter umdacademiccal@umd. edu for the academic calendar, or umdholidaycal@umd. edu for the holiday calendar. Once you select a calendar, the entries will be visible at the top of the. Schedule adjustment after this date may result in less than 100% refund. Find the academic calendar for your program at umd. Academic calendar view the academic calendar on academic affairs alumni calendar view the alumni association calendar. Event topics arts, entertainment and. Currently enrolled students can register for fall 2025 on their scheduled day and time. Returning students may make changes to their schedule by adding and dropping. Events on this academic calendar are subject to change without notice. Fall semester begins may 20,.
Event topics arts, entertainment and. Currently enrolled students can register for fall 2025 on their scheduled day and time. Returning students may make changes to their schedule by adding and dropping. Events on this academic calendar are subject to change without notice. Fall semester begins may 20,. Academic calendar view the academic calendar on academic affairs alumni calendar view the alumni association calendar. Event topics arts, entertainment and. College and department academic schedulers can find dates and deadlines related to. 12/31/2025 will be granted as an administrative leave day. See holidays, breaks and other events that may affect your classes at umd. Schedule adjustments after this date may result in less than 100% refund.