Abc Female News Anchors - Hyunju juju chang [1] (born september 17, 1965) is an american television journalist for abc news, and is currently an anchor of nightline. [2] she has previously worked as a special. Here are 25 of the most influential women who are. The following is a list of 20 female news anchors for abc: Sandra bookman, abc news anchors female to watch. In 1998, sandra began her career in journalism by working as a. Aaron brown, former abc news and cnn anchor, dies at 76 “abc news’ washington d. c. Team is the best in the industry, reporting on the issues which have real. Headlined by iconic journalists such as diane sawyer, whose influential interviews and reporting have made her a household name, and robin roberts, celebrated for her warm. Her work can be seen on “good morning america,” “world news tonight. Elizabeth schulze is a multiplatform reporter at abc news based in washington, d. c. Her reporting regularly appears on “good morning america,” “world news tonight with david. Martha raddatz (/ ˈrædɪts /; Born february 14, 1953) is an american reporter with abc news. She is the network's chief global affairs correspondent reporting for abc's world news. Elizabeth schulze is a multiplatform reporter at abc news based in washington, d. c. Her reporting regularly appears on “good morning america,” “world news tonight with david. Martha raddatz (/ ˈrædɪts /; Born february 14, 1953) is an american reporter with abc news. She is the network's chief global affairs correspondent reporting for abc's world news. Featuring female reporters from abc, nbc, fox, and other networks, this list also has both nightly and morning television newscasters. You will definitely recognize these big.
Hyunju juju chang [1] (born september 17, 1965) is an american television journalist for abc news, and is currently an anchor of nightline. [2] she has previously worked as a special. Here are 25 of the most influential women who are. The following is a list of 20 female news anchors for abc: Sandra bookman, abc news anchors female to watch. In 1998, sandra began her career in journalism by working as a. Aaron brown, former abc news and cnn anchor, dies at 76 “abc news’ washington d. c. Team is the best in the industry, reporting on the issues which have real. Headlined by iconic journalists such as diane sawyer, whose influential interviews and reporting have made her a household name, and robin roberts, celebrated for her warm. Her work can be seen on “good morning america,” “world news tonight. Elizabeth schulze is a multiplatform reporter at abc news based in washington, d. c. Her reporting regularly appears on “good morning america,” “world news tonight with david. Martha raddatz (/ ˈrædɪts /; Born february 14, 1953) is an american reporter with abc news. She is the network's chief global affairs correspondent reporting for abc's world news.